SUGA Once Locked Himself In Room For 2 Weeks And Cheated On BTS & Big Hit Staff To Be Debuted With Group

As we all know, BTS has always existed with 7 members and it is a long process to build up the current BTS lineup. BTS members have gone through a lot of difficulties to be able to debut and be as successful as they are today.

If Jungkook hadn't met RM and Jin hadn't kept him, perhaps there wouldn't have been a golden maknae. If V was afraid that вιg нιт Staff would cheat on him and didn't go to Seoul, maybe BTS wouldn't have a hidden member. And if SUGA hadn't cheated on BTS and вιg нιт Staff, maybe BTS would have debuted with 6 members.

It used to be an unforgettable memory for SUGA and now when he recounts it, everyone feels sad and emotional. But thankfully, everything was fine and now, BTS 7 is legendary forever:

For any ARMYs, we understand that for BTS to grow and be successful, the members poured a lot of sweat, ḅŀööď, and tears. It's no coincidence that they range from a despised rookie to a world-admired K-pop superstar.

But perhaps, one of the members who faced the most difficult times both financially and mentally before debuting in the group was SUGA. He had a period that his family didn't support his dream to be an idol and had to work multiple jobs at the same time to finish his schooling and pursue his artistic dreams.

In particular, at the time when SUGA worked as a part-time delivery worker, he was also a trainee of вιg нιт and also produced music and sold it to other companies. It was also his hardest time, even though he couldn't earn a lot of money to cover his life, he still didn't give up every day.

There was even a time when SUGA had a terrible äċċïďệńẗ while doing delivery work. Specifically, SUGA confessed at the time when he was a trainee and the company was also very difficult, so his income was very little. So he started working part-time by delivering food on a motorbike but didn't tell the company and other members about this.

On a rainy day, he had a sudden äċċïďệńẗ when he was ḧïẗ by a car while delivering a delivery. SUGA fell on the road and his shoulder was badly injured. It is also the wound that left SUGA's legacy in later years.

At that time, SUGA shared that at that time he did not have money for shoulder surgery, along with the burden of tuition fees and the fear of his part-time job being revealed, he almost fell into a ∂єα∂lock. He was afraid that if вιg нιт staffs found out about this, they would remove him from BTS' official debut lineup.

He was in a crisis and could barely do anything. SUGA said of that traumatic time, “I had such dark feelings at the time. I stayed in my room for two weeks without even cleaning up. I couldn’t go out because I was scared. I kept thinking, ‘What will happen to my life? I couldn’t even go to college now. I had an äċċïďệńẗ and ȟɥȑț my shoulder.’ I was sad and confused“.

In the end, he decided to lie to BTS and the вιg нιт staff to ensure that his position in the group would not be affected. He later told employees in the company that he was injured by falling down the stairs. And at the time, he also told the members that he fell down the stairs instead of telling the truth.

It wasn't until later, when he met the staff and said that he didn't want to give up on debuting, that SUGA revealed the whole truth about the incident. SUGA then released the burden of lying. And luckily, the company paid for all the hospital expenses and tuition so that SUGA wouldn't have to work part-time and focus on composing. SUGA also debuted with BTS like his dream.

To debut with BTS and pursue the dream of an idol, SUGA had to pay the price with many things. He even had to find a way to lie even though he was very tormented in order to stay with the group. The reason behind that brings any of us to tears.

It's really a harmless lie and a sad story about what SUGA went through. But it's good that SUGA's shoulder injury has healed and now we have a complete 7 member BTS!