RM Shares That He is “Over” All Luxury Fashion Brands Except One

For celebrities, choosing expensive fashion brands is nothing new. Of course, RM is no exception and he is also known for his impressive fashion sense.

However, for RM, his definition of fashion seems to be quite peculiar to the rest of the world. Through a recent interview with El País newspaper, RM gave his thoughts on fashion and luxury brands.

Through it, it can be seen that he and this fashion brand are very likely to combine in the future:

Recently, RM did his business trip to Europe and took time for interviews as a solo artist and member of BTS. One of the most impressive interviews is a recent interview with the Spanish newspaper El País.

In it, RM was surprisingly candid about everything from his professional life to his personal interests. Even when the interviewer covered some heavy topics, including RM's growth as an artist and as an individual, he provided responsive answers. .

Besides that, they discussed the different identities he has taken on over the course of his long career. From there, the conversation led to a change in his appearance over the past few years.

BTS member looked back at the different style phases of his life, starting from his oversized t-shirts and baseball cap era, from which he eventually transitioned into a majorly monochromatic wardrobe sourced from big-name brands.

He said with his memories: "I went through XXL t-shirts and baseball caps. Then I got into high-end brands…Like Rap Monster, I started wearing only black and whíte [rolls his eyes upwards and shrugs his shoulders.]"

But now, RM is over the mindset of wearing flashy outfits that demand attention. Currently, what he looks for in his fashion choices is “timelessness.”

He claimed that: "Now I’m into timelessness. I’m over trends. I’m looking for vintage jeans, cotton t-shirts, and natural things that don’t scream ‘Hey, I’m here!’"

His toned-down approach to fashion is also the reason why he is drawn to the brand Bottega Veneta. When the interviewer asked him about the rumors of him collaborating with the brand, RM replied that he would “love to.”

RM expressed his own idea: "Although I ℓσѕт interest in brands, fashion weeks, and that constant change of Pantone…Bottega is different, they don’t use logos, they have a history with fabrics and leather, they don’t even have Instagram. They are beyond fads".

Bottega Veneta is indeed known for its word-of-mouth marketing approach even amidst today’s PR-frenzied fashion world. In fact, if the rumors of RM being their brand ambαѕѕador turns out to be true, he will be the first celebrity officially signed by the brand to represent it!

There’s no doubt that RM’s views on fashion align perfectly with that of Bottega Veneta. If the collaboration ends up happening, it would be interesting to see what new approach they bring to the table together.