RM Shared His Friends' Fear Of Contacting Him First

Maybe when we look at it, we always think that people like BTS or specifically RM will have a lot of friends. He looks very friendly, has a great talker and has a nice personality and actually, he is really.

But even if he's willing to be friends with anyone or values ​​his friends, it's not always easy to maintain relationships with old friends. The reason is not because of him or because their friendship is problematic. The real reason is a bit of a hindrance due to popularity.

This has been shared by RM before:

Becoming a celebrity is not easy because of the pressures and weight of success. But sometimes for the people around celebrities, their success and popularity also make it difficult for those around them to behave. RM has also encountered this situation with his friends before.

He once told that there were some of his friends who hadn't contacted him for a while. RM felt quite sad about this and wondered why they have not contacted him since he became famous.

Then, one day, RM called a few of his friends and asked why they never contacted him again. But when he got their answers, he realized just how wonderful they really are still his friends.

RM recounted that: "I have a few friends with whom I got back in touch recently. I reached out to them first and asked how come they didn’t try to contact me.They told me it became harder for them to reach out to me because once I became slightly more famous, they didn’t want me to think that they’re only keeping in touch with me to use me for my fame. They didn’t want to be that friend."

RM didn't realize how circumstances had changed and how those changes had affected the way his friends viewed their relationship with him: "So it wasn’t easy for them. But I was busy wondering why they wouldn’t reach out to me first. I should’ve just called them. I just had no idea they were thinking that far into this". They were really afraid that approaching RM when he was famous would make both of them awkward. But fortunately, the person who healed the two sides' friendship was RM.

RM also shared that he admited he felt bad and wanted to apologize to his friends: "I didn’t know they had become hesitant to call me when they wanted to keep in touch with me. I was grateful for that and I also felt horrible about it. It made me realize that I should always reach out first". It's true that being a celebrity has his friends worried about whether it's appropriate to treat RM the way they used to. But now that he's happily breaking the silence between them first, their relationship is as good as ever.

That's a lesson he's learned from this story, and he hopes ARMY will do the same: "If you have friends that you miss, reach out first. It’s not easy being the one to make that out-of-the-blue call or send that first message, but that is all it takes, one call, to bring back good people back in to your life!".

Obviously, taking the initiative to keep friendships and relationships healthy is essential. Therefore, when it comes to action, ARMY should not hesitate. Just a phone call or a text can open old doors to new beginnings.