RM Retaliated For Bang PD When He Was Insulted And Made The Attacker Admitted It

Bang PD and BTS have a very close relationship as they have worked together for over 10 years. Since the beginning of BTS's debut, Bang PD has defended BTS many times against ridicule or attacks from others.

In contrast, BTS can't sit still when others mock their Bang PD. When Bang PD was mocked by another producer, RM immediately defended him and proved to that person that his actions were bad.

Becoming the successful BTS they are today, BTS and Bang PD have faced a lot of cruel words and criticism directed at them. However, Bang PD and BTS have always protected each other from day one to overcome those scary things.

Not only that, but they even openly confront those who criticize them negatively and make them feel ashamed for their actions. One of the most famous stories for this is when RM defended Bang PD against the very popular Brave Brothers producer back in the 2000s.

Specifically, the story begins in 2010 when Brave Brothers of Brave Entertainment released "Round & Round" as part of their own first album. When it was released, the song received some backlash for dissecting the four hottest producers at the time.

In their song, Brave Brothers called JY Park, Bang Si Hyuk, Cho Young Su, and Shinsadong Tiger for “making fake idol music”. Brave Brothers points out that producers make music unorthodox and disparages the music they make. Unreasonably criticizing the music of the producers who were said to be the most talented at that time made Brave Brothers receive mixed opinions.

Not only that, even RM was annoyed by this negative comment of Brave Brother. Right after the diss version started circulating, RM, now just a trainee of Big Hit Entertainment, joined his friends Iron and Supreme Boi to avenge their beloved Bang PD.

They released a similar track and responded perfectly. RM, even though he was only seventeen when this happened and hasn't even debuted as an idol yet, he knows exactly how to react to protect Bang PD's honor.

The released song called Hook Gayo has been shared online and attracted the witness of many people. There was a part of the lyrics that was written, "You entered YG because of your rap, but only dug in the ground with the mic. After The Last Goodbye became a real last goodbye, things went straight downhill. You closed your eyes tight at the development in the music business but the public’s eyes are paparazzi. With all the hook songs you’ve sold off, hyung, you might really be finished".

The lyrics clearly allude to the Brave Brothers and prove who is the producer who creates the "fake music". And as the saying goes, “sh*t is real”. Brave Brothers then did not participate in the fiery battle "Hook Gayo". Because clearly what RM said about him is not wrong and it is completely his fault when starting the battle directed to Bang PD. 

Everyone who witnessed the story at the time knew Bang Si Hyuk and his young and passionate rappers won the round. Not only that, later on, the success of BTS under Bang PD's musical direction and direction became sweet revenge for Brave Brothers.

Not only that, it was Brave Brothers - who had disparaged Bang PD before that had to recognize this success of BTS. He couldn't say anything other than praising these achievements in an interview. He commented, “BTS and Bang Si Hyuk sunbaenim have really opened up an amazing door for the rest of us.”

So in the end, the victory in this battle went to Bang PD and RM defended his dignity and successful values. Brave Brothers finally bowed to the success of the idol Bang PD created. RM that year defended Bang PD immediately without hesitation the same way Bang PD defended BTS against all prejudice and trusting BTS.