RM First Reveals The Serious Disease He Gets Since He Debut

Behind the glitz, splendor and pride of world-clαss reputation, Kpop superstars like BTS also have to face many dark aspects in their lives. Only when they reveal their hidden corners and weaknesses do fans like us realize how strong they have endured.

Recently, through... fans realized a scary ďïṩệäṩệ that RM always faces, especially when releasing new songs. This once made him think about a negative ending for himself, but fortunately, he was strong enough to overcome it all.

Fans are truly embarrαssed after hearing what he went through and hope that RM always gets the best things in the world:

Celebrities in general and K-pop idols in particular must always appear with a radiant appearance and confident smile despite the public's attitude and scrutiny. But because of this, many people forget that idols are also normal people, sensitive and have emotions like anyone else.

BTS in general and RM in particular are no exception. While RM is always praised for his brave, mature appearance and ability to speak fluently and intelligently, deep down in his heart there is also weakness and constant fears.

In particular, through the latest episode of BTS Monuments: Beyond The Star, RM revealed that he has been facing panic disorder since his debut. He shared: "My panic disorder is triggered whenever a soundtrack is released. Late 2015 and early to mid-2016 were very difficult times for me psychologically. But after experiencing it once... It's like feeling the most hopeless on a day I should be the happiest. I can't go on the Internet on the day a song drops. I hear that we got a good response, that we placed high in the charts, and everything but... I just… freeze in fear of criticism."

This ďïṩệäṩệ even seriously affected his spirit, making him want to "d̾i̾e ̾ a lot". He said that: "In the past, I used to think I want to d̾i̾e ̾ a lot because of all the hate and things like that. But in the end, love wins over everything", making fans unable to stop crying.

It's unimaginable how much he had to go through those days of being cursєd, criticized and slandered. ARMYs have always known that since their debut, BTS members and especially RM have received a lot of attacks from toxic individuals, but they did not expect that it would leave such a deep psychological trauma for him. 

Luckily, in his most painful moments, RM did not give up his life. He still chooses to love and be loved. Fans thanked RM for being strong enough to overcome that mentally tormenting illness. Now, ARMYs have no greater wish than to see RM happy and cheerful:

- My namjoon is truly the strongest :(

- namjoon my love thankyou for hanging in there you didn't deserve any of the hate back then you are the bravest

- He went thru way too much at such a young age

- Joon is so f*cking strong i want to give him the whole world :((

- I dont know what to say, but i love him so much. He deserves love

- I love his mindset. Thank heavens he overcame everything in the past.

- It’s really brave of him to admit this. I love him so much

- Oh my joonie I wish i could give him a hug

- Namjoon :(( can we please protect Namjoonie!! This man needs to be protected at all cost! He has been through so so much & people are still doing the same with him (T_T) it breaks my heart! He is stronger now but I’m sure things get difficult for him!

- We all love you sm namjoon .

- thankyou for being strong Thankyou so much our Joon

- Our Namjoonie is the strongest

- He deserves the whole world

- Thank you for staying strong and never leaving us

- Those tears paid off now, i miss you joonie :(

- He deserves all the love in this universe