RM Confides About The Reason Why He Hardly Gets Married In The Future

In the last three years, Kpop fans were surprised by the announcement of having children and getting married at the same time of male artists. Notably, there are even members who got married while working as a member of an idol group.

Being married while working has caused some of these idols to be heavily criticized, but there are also cases where they received joyful congratulations from the public, showing that fans' views are more open on the issue. This. But even without being bound by fan prejudice, RM still has great worries about marriage, even thinking about not getting married in the future.

What was that worry that made him think like that? Is there anything stopping him from a romantic relationship other than his career, fans, public prejudice...? Hear what he said below:

In fact, K-pop artists are also ordinary people and the need for a normal life in the limelight is obvious. BTS members are no exception! And they also don't hesitate to mention having kids and living a normal life after ending a celebrity career.

Not only that, even if they have never announced a love affair in public over the years, the members are often caught up in false dating rumors. One of the funniest dating and marriage rumors has to be RM when he is accused of secretly marrying and even having children with a tycoon lady.

K-media even released cryptic and humorous evidence based on his ring finger and an old photo of him with a child. The story then became a popular joke among ARMYs and fans "take turns confessing" that they are his wife.

Although many have speculated for RM's married life, he himself finds it difficult to think about marrying a girl. A resilient leader who has gone through many hardships in his career like RM but feels scared when it comes to marriage. He confessed it when he talked about the subject on tvN show The Dictionary of Useless Human Knowledge.

Specifically, in the moment when RM and the MCs discussed marriage among young kσrєαns today, he frankly pointed out that fear of marriage is a common situation among young kσrєαns today. It is not only among young people who do not have a stable career or a bad economic situation but also in the cläṩṩes with a higher standard of living.

RM initially pointed out that he represents people born in the 90s of the 20th century - the mainly youth generation in kσrєαn society. However, this generation is also said to have a declining rate of marriage and childbearing in the country due to difficulties related to material and even mental.

He took evidence from himself to show why he and young people are afraid of marriage. He mentioned that he thought he would get married in the past because it could be due to societal expectations, which have been the norm for millions of years. He considered it an inevitable part of life, even if he is afraid of being attached to someone for a long time.

RM shared: "First of all, it’s pretty scary for me… I’m not sure about it. To promise eternity to someone, officiate it, and bring your friends together… Before, the thought of, ‘Will that ever happen in my life?’ seemed natural to me. I figured that when the time came, I would get a job, work hard [in life], and get married."

However, now, RM realizes his life does not match society's expectations. So he wasn't sure if he was going to get married and this thought started to rekindle in his life when he felt it was okay to live alone.

He said that: "[But now], there is the fact that I chose to live an unusual life… A few years ago, I suddenly began to think for the first time, ‘Maybe I won’t be able to get [married].’ And once that thought began, it got out of hand."

That is the common way of thinking of many young kσrєαns when married life becomes more difficult for young people and they do not have to depend too much on family life. Young kσrєαns now tend to live alone and invest in themselves rather than having a family.

Marriage is certainly not an easy commitment, nor should it be taken lightly. So his fear is 100% valid and no one should feel pressured to get married just because of what society considers a way of life. One can live contentedly with or without a spouse.

 So whatever RM decides for his life is the right thing to do. We just want him to be happy!