Jin's Special Hobby In The Military Makes Netizens Want To Enlist Immediately

Jin has been in the army for nearly 12 months and he still does his job well as an äṩṩistant instructor. Not only that, his good heart and standard behavior are always promoted to the fullest in the army, spread by his trainees.

Recently, a story about Jin's special habits in the army was shared on SNS and became a topic of discussion among netizens. There are even many people who know Jin's habit and immediately want to join the army so they can be äṩṩigned to his unit. Jin was praised that he was truly an ideal model of a sol∂ιєr.

Here's what netizens are currently noticing about Jin and his army story:

Since debut until now, Jin has always been known as an idol with a golden personality because he always knows how to care for and take care of others as well as know how to get along with everyone. From the staff to famous friends in the industry, no one has had to complain about Jin's behavior for over a decade. Even though he has now become a global superstar, his personality remains unchanged.

But not only as an artist, Jin's good personality was still maximized when he became an active duty sol∂ιєr. Since Jin joined the army, there have been many stories shared about how Jin is a strict teacher but also very kind to his students to stories about how his trainees are also respectful and love him very much.
In particular, recently a story of a trainee who trained in Jin's unit attracted the attention of netizens. It was posted on community on 9th and the article titled "Pretty Jin Who Buys Meal Well". Author quoted nephew who completed boot camp. Jin's nickname in m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ is called 'Pretty Jin who buys meals well". The trainee said that when food trucks come to m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ on weekends, äṩṩistant KimSeokjin buys 15 delicious things each. He will eat with co-workers in Office.

Moreover, the author also added that Jin became more dashing and gained weight because of exercising hard. Finally, the author ended with: "See you next June."

Since that post, netizens started to popularize Jin's new nickname - "Pretty Jin Who Buys Meal Well" and kept praising his good personality. Jin really still keeps the habit of taking care of others like when he was with BTS. In particular, Jin also just spent 2 months of his m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ salary to give to Jimin on the occasion of his birthday. Obviously, there aren't many fancy things, but his concern for the people around him is very touching.

Not only that, thanks to Jin's habit of buying food and buying delicious food, his trainees had great memories with the army. This has made many other ̾k̾o̾r̾e̾an men want to join the army in the same barracks as Jin immediately to enjoy this privilege. They don't want to miss it before he finishes his 18-month enlistment next June.

Below are many cute comments for Jin such as:

- I'm glad he doing well in there.

- Our Seokjin, who has pretty face and heart

- Jin, who is friendly to younger brothers.

- heartwarming story in m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ life. I want to enlist soon, before he going out, I want Jin hyung buy me food

- Wow, I'm so jealous that other trainees were bought food by Jin. I want too

- This is so cool. He's such a nice person

- Even though Jin is huge star. He is very open with us. He buy snacks regardless of senior or junior from PX store.

- If possible, I'll pray to the 5th division to release a book with small stories like this about their happy times on duty and also include sweet memories of Seokjinnie in story forma

- I learned that Seokjin is stealing the hearts of men in their early 20s who come in every week. In fact, he is the most ∂αиgєяous sol∂ιєr in the world. love. yeah. love.

- I want to enlist in Jin hyung's division, he is the best instructor in m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴

- I’m not surprised Jin is one kind person!

- I absolutely love hearing stories like this! Jin is so kind and friendly to everyone. I bet he's making friends left and right and I hope they keep in touch after ms and add to his male fanbase!

- Seokjin has always been known for his generosity and friendly attitude

- i'm proud that i chose the right man. i'm falling more in love with him every day with everything abt him that amazes me

- He spent his entire salary buying food for his co-workers and even gave Jimin pocket money. Wow, please raise me, Jin hyung!

- He cares for others by buying food, it's really practical

Meanwhile, Jin was first BTS member to join m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ in December last year. Scheduled discharge date is June 12, 2024!