Jin Has A Privilege In The Group But He Hardly Applies It, Revealed By The Translator of BTS

In most moments, fans often witness Jin as someone who is much younger than his age. Jin is different from the members of the Hyung Line like SUGA who often shows a calm appearance or RM who often shows the maturity of a leader.

In fact, Jin is the eldest brother of BTS. Among Kpop idols, he is also one of the oldest idols today.

However, with his humor and mischievous jokes, fans feel like Jin is friends with the Maknae Line. Sometimes fans also forget that in the group, Jin has a very respected position.

Aton Hur - BTS's translator who worked with them on the memoir "Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS" specifically mentioned the highest authority Jin possesses over the group members. This translator also gave fans a deep insight into how BTS's eldest brother uses this privilege.

According to Aton, Jin possesses “the power of the eldest” but the important is that he “refused” to impose it on his members during their years together.

"In the book, Jin expresses having to confront a feeling of insecurity, a concern that he was the weakest link in the K-pop group. This was so surprising to me because he is the eldest in a group of boys", he began.

So "by default, [in ḳöŕệän culture], he should feel the most entitled. He should feel like he's the biggest deal. But he doesn't feel that way. He has all of the responsibilities of being the eldest but, at the same time, he doesn't seem to enjoy the privileges of being the eldest [with] that feeling of security", he continued.

Anton Hur expressed: "That was very, very moving to me, that he would go on the record saying this, because this can be misconstrued in so many different ways. But he trusted ARMY enough to say this, and for them to understand where he is coming from". 

In Hur's view, the moment epitomizes how BTS have been able to remain humble in the face of such success. "It is so easy to slip into a sense of deep entitlement when you become successful and to get angry at every single little thing that doesn't go your way", Hur said

"But, for Jin-and for BTS, in general-they went in the opposite direction," the translator stated. "The more successful they got, the more humble they became, and the more critica they became of how they did things. Not in a self-hating kind of way, but in a way that you can tell that they're constantly questioning themselves, looking at reach, and trying to reevaluate what success means to them".

"For the most successful band of our time to not be playing along with that and to be trying to understand success and failure in their own terms, that is a very moving theme of the book and of BTS itself," Hur added.

From the perspective of someone involved in the BTS memoir, Jin’s admirable qualities come to light. He doesn’t αѕѕume he’s always right just because he’s the oldest. Instead, he acts like a peer to the members so that their relationship is harmonious, and above all, he always maintains humility and a progressive spirit.

But that doesn’t mean the other members are allowed to disrespect or behave rudely towards Jin. While age privilege doesn’t apply, the younger members always respect his opinions, treat him politely, and learn a lot from him.

On the other hand, the influence of BTS's eldest brother also makes the other members of the group maintain respect and constantly learn from each other. It is also part of the reason why BTS is praised as "humble kings" despite becoming top Kpop superstars.

If someone asks about the secret to helping BTS maintain their friendship after more than a decade and succeed together, I think the translator's sharing is the clearest answer!