Jimin Adds More Details After Hearing Jungkook Retold Their Fight Under The Rain

The story of Jimin and Jungkook having a fire argument in the rain has become a legendary story in the hearts of fans for many years. Although the two did not specifically share the cause of that quarrel before, recently, it seems that both Jimin and Jungkook are comfortable recalling this story in detail.

In particular, after learning that Jungkook had detailed the story on that day, Jimin also quickly added some details to complete a full story in the recent broadcast. Fans are absolutely thrilled after seeing the full unfolding of this legendary moment.

Along with that, the reactions of Jimin and Jungkook when looking back at the old situation also caught the attention of fans:

BTS has pa̾s̾sed 10 years of operation and really entered a new stage with a complete 7-member lineup. It's som̾e̾t̾h ̾ing that many people admire because not every famous K-pop group has maintained a complete lineup from their debut until their 10th year.

To achieve this, members need to make an effort to harmonize and understand each other to become people like a family. But before creating that solid bond, they also have to go through many quarrels and disagreements to fully understand the other's personality.

Therefore, now when looking back on old memories, there are many quarrels that become beautiful and memorable memories for them to recall. One of them is the once legendary story between Jimin and Jungkook when they got angry at each other in the rain. When it comes to this story, both Jungkook and Jimin often smile showing their cute friendship built from there.

In particular, recently, Jungkook directly recounted in detail what happened during the fιgнт with Jimin that the BTS members compared it to a K-drama. He reminisced about the time when he was really a kid in both looks and personality. He doesn't remember exactly how bad his childish behavior was but he knows for sure that his behavior is so wrong that even a kind and gentle person like j-hope would go crazy over it.

Jungkook said: ""Please tell us about the time when you and Jimin fought in the practice room when it rained". When we were trainees, personally I felt like i didn't really go through puberty but I was young! Because of the way I spoke, tbh I don't remember it when I was younger but it was to the point where our Hobi hyung who is like an angel got mad... and the hyungs were talking to me about my tone.

Jimin hyung pulled me to the side to talk to me and because I also have my pride and thought I was right in some parts so Jimin hyung was like "I'm not gonna care for you anymore" and then left! And then I left. Then we were supposed to go into the dorm right away but I just thoughtlessly walked around and don't know how far I walked and I'm not great with directions so I wasn't sure where I ended up.

This situation was sad and I felt unfair and was crying and was like "Should I call Jimin hyung?" but then was like no why should I and ended the call. And repeated that again and then called him and then he was like "What are you doing right now? Where are you? What are you talking about?" and when talking like this I usually get tearful so I was like "I don't know where I am" and he was like "What do you see around you" and I was like "It's okay I'll take a taxi.

Then it started raining and when I got back to the dorm and he was waiting outside and I was crying. We went to the rooftop and was talking. I told him I'm sorry and would do better and he was crying too and we hugged happily then went inside. My eyes were really swollen the next day!"

Meanwhile, on the latest recent live broadcast, Jimin added some details to the story Jungkook had told fans earlier. He admitted that not only Jungkook but also himself had made mistakes when dealing with Jungkook and told about the situation and feelings at that time from his point of view.

Jimin shared: "I saw Jungkook's live! Ok let me tell you about this. Ok, it does have to be edited a little but. I don't remember why but I was young and was like a kkondae (an older person who think they're always right). And me, Taehyung and Jungkook were together and we was telling him "you have to be better to the hyungs". And it's funny because I was younger too. And I got so mad that I said stuff to him then left and then Jungkook was sad then too.

I was harsh with my words and we were at the practice room and I walked to the dorm. Then I got a call from him multiple times so I was like "hey don't call". But then he was crying saying he doesn't know where he is. So I said if you can take a taxi I'll wait in front of the door. and it started raining a lot! I was outside waiting for about an hour and then it started raining.. and there's this place where we could escape the rain from so we went to the rooftop and talked and he was like "I'm sorryㅠㅠ" and then the next day we had som̾e̾t̾h ̾ing to film. His eyes were realllyyyyy swollen the next day!

What year was that? I was 21? It was 8 years ago I think. I was really sorry to him too and the members have talked about it a lot too! the dumpling incident too. I can't remember what else there is but when the members meet up, we can remember a lot of things! "Fighting got you guys closer?" Yeah I feel like because through that we were able to forgive each other and get to know each others personalities!"

From the two versions of the story that revolved around the plot of Jimin and Jungkook arguing in the rain that were spread before, fans got a comprehensive look at it. It's a really cute and memorable story, although the situation that started the fιgнт isn't a memorable one. But the most valuable thing is the lesson after each such situation.

Both Jimin, Jungkook and even all the BTS members understand many things after their quarrels. And that makes the foundation of their friendship even stronger.

After listening to Jimin's sharing, fans did not stop leaving comments:

- It’s the way both of them blamed themselves for the fιgнт

- they didn't blame the other but chose to accept that they were at fault thats very mature and tells alot how genuinely kind they are

- Need the dumpling one now and from each member

- I have a feeling we have a whole chapter for that in the bts book

- What a healthy relationship. They did not talk bad about each other but rather reflected back on what they think they could’ve approached better. They never fail to amaze me

- now both of their sides match. but for the dumpling though, i don't even wanna say

- Kdrama directors taking note now

- There should be a kdrama on it

- The way none blamed the other and instead blamed themselves

- They are precious. I love them and the way they take care of each other