A Soldier Reveals What Jin Often Does Late At Night In The Military Makes Them Emotional

Since entering the army, Jin has shown his strong influence both inside and outside the barracks. While Jin's enlistment has become a hot topic in recent months, he has become the most popular sol∂ιєr among other sol∂ιєrs in the same unit.

In particular, recently, sol∂ιєrs in the same unit as Jin shared about the Kpop superstar's treatment of them along with his special nightly habits in the army. This rookie's story made fans laugh, but they also realized that it was a common action of Jin.

Through this story, fans love him even more for his great personality:

Jin began enlisting in December 2022 and began his journey of 18 months of military service at Yeoncheon Training Center. Even though he was the first member to enlist, Jin made fans proud when he achieved high achievements during training and was even promoted twice before the ∂єα∂line.

Specifically, Jin became Company Commander and Squad Leader in the first month of basic training right after enlisting. Next, he was appointed by the Training Center as an Assistant Drill Instructor and performed his official military service at this barracks. Since then, Jin has achieved the title "Special Clαѕѕ Warrior" title and got the rare early promotions to be Corporal and Sergeant twice. 

These achievements show Jin's ability and hard work even when he was a sol∂ιєr. Not only that, Jin's good personality also shines in the barracks and it is widely shared through the stories of his colleagues and new recruits trained by him. Recently, one of his similar stories became famous on social media.

One ARMY recounted a story about Jin that she heard from her English teacher. The teacher's cousin was a sol∂ιєr in the same unit as Jin and he couldn't stop praising the BTS superstar's great personality. The story begins when the teacher asked the ARMY student that "Do you still like BTS?" and she claimed immediately that: "Yes". Then her teacher told that: "My cousin went to Jin's unit now. Jin buys them a late night snack every week. I thought buying night snack every week was an little exaggeration. But I saw my cousin gained a lot of weight". She also added that her cousin said that "Jin is more influential than Jin's seniors".

Well, Jin really has the appearance of a teaching αѕѕistant and a superior to the new recruits. He takes care of them as if they were his younger brothers. Previously, many new recruits also shared that Jin had a hobby of taking them to the PX - a type of military canteen on their days off and buying snacks for all the new recruits.

When reading this story, fans smiled happily and also realized that Jin has a habit of buying delicious food as a way of showing concern. He was also famous for his stories of taking care of meals for BTS since he was a trainee or just debuted. Most recently, when Jin brewed a delicious wine, he even established a winery just so he could distribute it for his family and friends to enjoy.

Fans noticed that Jin hasn't changed during the past year of his military service and are proud of his great personality:

- another evidence of Seokjin's love language. He may be too introverted and shy to express it in words, but you will know he loves when he gifts. 
I'm wondering what his second love language is...

- He get happy when people around him eat soмєтнing delicious

- I wonder if regular snacks from #Jin somehow taste even more delicious? I would save all the packaging

- I miss my prince charming. sj has such a charming rose flower prince energy…

- Even though Jin is huge star. He is very friendly

- I absolutely love hearing stories like this! Jin is so kind and friendly to everyone. I bet he's making friends left and right and I hope they keep in touch after ms and add to his male fanbase!

- I’m not surprised Jin is one kind person!

- I am grateful for this updates. Seokjin has always been known for his generosity and friendly attitude

- Ah jinnie you're truly one of a kind aren't you ...

- Every day I discover soмєтнing new that shows why it's so easy for me to love him so much (someone who I haven't seen in person yet)

- He is a very kind and caring person

- Male fans will increase by 2025, note this one!