7 BTS Members Choose Their Favorite Items, But V's One Makes ARMYs Regretful

BTS members are not only icons of Kpop but also the most sought-after artists globally. Even after they have enlisted, their appeal has not diminished and there are even many things fans still have to learn and update about them.

While many of the members' must-have items have been revealed over the years, the members recently shared their all-time favorites. It can be objects they love to use, or it can be items they bought a long time ago.

Among them, V's most favorite item caught the attention of fans and even made them feel regretful:

All fans know that BTS are the world's top superstars and they certainly own a lot of valuable, high-end and even limited edition items. Therefore, there is almost no favorite item that they cannot own and fans are curious about the items that are loved by BTS.

But actually, BTS are just like any other normal people and their favorite items aren't even expensive. In the recently published photobook - BTS's beyond the story book, the members revealed these items. In particular, when V revealed his favorite item, fans were amazed at its sentimental value to him.

Firstly, RM chose his "table and chair" in his studio. He added the reason: "I'm the type of person who likes objects that hold stories or history. To be honest, I also wanted to bring the paintings I own, set them up together and take the picture, but I'm still a bit cautious about revealing them publicly. Perhaps someday I will be able to do that."

Secondly, Jin gave a perfect choice for his most favorite item. He confidently said that: "Flowers. Why flowers, you ask? They're as beautiful as I am aren't they? Really. To be honest I was thinking about whether I should bring my gaming computer from home but then I thought of the flowers haha. They're even prettier because they're pink, my favorite color".

Thirdly, SUGA told: "This is my lyric notebook that I have been using so far. Actually, there are more than what I brought here. I write lyrics on paper you see. Somehow I ended up with a lot of similar notebooks, I don't have a preference for certain type, I just started using whatever office supplies available at the company. Besides lyrics, there is also a random thought here and there and also things like important bank acc numbers written on there, haha. Anyways this is the most precious to me."

Fourthly, it is turn of j-hope and he chose a memorable item. He said: "This is a framed pic that I made. We were featured in TIMES cover magazine before and I had it enlarged and printed for my personal collection, got the members' signatures and framed it. It's surprisingly not easy getting signatures from the members, haha. I also brought the sneakers Jungkook gifted me. If you take a look at it, it's personally customized by Jungkook."

Fifthly, Jimin gave his decision about what he loves the most. It is none other than clothes or accessories. He told: "I find it fun and I like it when my mood and attitude can change depending on what clothes or accessories I wear at the moment. The style I prefer is quite distinct. Usually people say 'airport fashion' don't they, haha. I bought clothes to wear for when I greet fans at the airport, so I brought it here. But since I can't meet the fans.. I don't have an occasion to wear them at the moment."

Sixthly, V answered when he was asked: "Itt's a secondhand camera I bought after I saved up some money few years ago. It's discontinued now. I did a search here and there to get it. I like taking pictures when I have time during tour overseas you see. I've gathered/collected developed films but I ̾l̾o̾s̾t ̾ them once when I organized my luggage. So that was really regrettable."

Finally, Jungkook chose the most expensive one, it is wristwatch. He said: "This is the first wristwatch I ever bought. I bought one for myself while I was buying wristwatch for my parents. Of course, I should say ARMYs are the ones who bought it for me. I gave it a lot of thought on what to bring. I thought about soṃệẗḧing related to music but since I don't use/play musical instruments there is no item I can show visually. But then recently I released a solo song called 'My Time' (Time Difference) in our album and since I think I'm living in that kind of time, I brought it with me."

Well, it's clear that most of the members' favorite items have sentimental meaning to them, with some highly valuable items like Jungkook's watch or RM's furniture...But especially the one-of-a-kind item is V's secondhand camera. It is truly a rare item in the literal sense and fans also understand how sorry he feels when he cannot use it again.

Fans left comments as the members chose their favorite items:

- Saving money for a secondhand camara. Leica rangefinders are expensive af and they hold their value really well, they’re kind of collector’s items so it’s not any ordinary secondhand camera

- Oh no! I wish we could see. rip vante exhibition

- some things never change; like taehyung & his love for photography especially during travels

- "saved up money" does this man realize he's a multimillionaire.

- memories stored in a photograph, so so precious

- wdym vante collection is out there in dust oh nooo my baby is sad im more sad

- sooooo Jimin likes to dress up for us ...you know to look good, feel good and confident, (sayin this in a very positive n good way)

- And i love his airpot outfits, he looks so great. Thank you Jiminie

- Jin is the most confident(not under or over, just perfect for this cruel n difficult world), beautiful and simple minded person I HAVE EVER KNOW IN MY WHOLE LIFE.

- That's true Jin is more beautiful than flowers

- Namjoon-ah, you showed us plenty darling. When I was watching your home tour, I was so skeptical that is it okay for me to see your place? Whatever you share with us, we hold it dearly to our heart, respect and cherish it. When the time comes, it will come. If it doesn’t, that's okay too

- I really hope to have a look at RM's paintings someday

- Ma Namjoonie has plan to do a exhibition of his works collection in future

- lyric notebook... OMG my writer

- Lyrics notebook is a treausre

- OMG this is so pretty, Jungkook customised for his Hobi Hyung

- This is just so cute .Jungkook gifted him personally customized sneakers .

- saved photo of BTS on TIMES cover is the first digital “evidence” of my interaction with them on the internet back from 2018. you can’t imagine how much this choice of Hoseok means to me

- I should say ARMYs are the ones who bought it for me. No one love Army's more than Jungkook

- No one in the world can love us the way Jungkookie does

- When I think Jungkook can't be more attractive... boom Jungkook with wristwatch