Jin Kept This Secret During 10 Years So As Not To Hurt The 3 BTS Members

Each of us, no one doesn't have own secrets and so does Jin. However, not all secrets are bad or things that affect others. There are many times when secrets are kept to protect or avoid hurting someone you love.

That was also the case of Jin when he once kept a secret and decided not to reveal to the members of BTS for 10 years. Until sharing this story, the group's eldest brother still didn't really show the whole truth just because he didn't want to hurt the 3 members of the group.

Below is the touching story about the secret that Jin has kept hidden from that day until now:

During this time, fans kept thinking about the beautiful friendship of more than 10 years between the BTS members and admired the close bond between them. After an arduous and difficult journey, they can finally sit together and enjoy the good results they have made.

To have a family-like relationship like this, all 7 BTS members had to go through a long period of understanding and growing up together. Now, those moments have become unforgettable memories and fans are truly touched every time they hear about them.

One of the memorable stories about the early days when BTS was founded that fans love the most is probably the story about the secret that Jin decided to keep secret for 10 years. When he recounted this legend, fans realized that behind the secret was the great love and tolerance that Jin had for his younger siblings.

The story took place at the time BTS members lived together in a cramped dormitory of Big Hit Entertainment. Because they were all young men, they all had big egos, which easily lead to conflicts. In particular, when Bangtan lived in the same dorm, everyone was very sensitive about hygiene and cleaning because all 7 people were in the same room.

To solve that problem, they decided to introduce regulations on cleaning and hygiene when living together. In which, anyone who violates will have to pay a fine. The fine is 1000 KRW each time. Even though the amount of money is not much, for teenagers at that age, high self-esteem will make them feel frustrated and ashamed if they are fined.

But one thing that surprised everyone is that since the rule was imposed, almost no one has violated it. However, the truth is not that no member violated. Actually, that was Jin's secret. It wasn't until later, when the members sat down and recalled this story, that Jin, who observed the members and noted violators at the time, admitted that some members had violated the general rule.

Jin actually observed the members and took note of those who weren't cleaning and sanitizing well but didn't immediately expose their mistakes. Until everyone knew the secret, Jin still kept it a secret, not sharing who it was and never announcing who had to pay the fine. The members only know that Jin's phone still has the list of violators at that time. There were three people listed and the amount they were supposed to pay was 18,000 KRW.

He silently and quietly sees the mistakes of the members but does not choose to punish them, but lets the members adapt and change gradually while living together. Above all, he recognizes positive change instead of just focusing on their mistakes. That kind heart helps Jin nurture the good personalities of future members.

Through this story, it can be seen that BTS members have known how to protect and teach each other to grow together since they were only in their twenties, even some members were only 15 - 16 years old. Therefore, on the journey of more than 10 years of traveling together, not a single difficulty or situation made BTS fall or lose their common bond.